Allthough winter is over -hurray- I'm sure there are a lot of us that are still suffering from dry lips and as we all know, lip scrubs can be expensive, even if they are from a low end brand. Therefore I want to show you how you can make your own - affordable and organic - lip scrubs. 1. Lip scrub - 1 tea spoon sugar - 1/2 tea spoon olive oil - 1 tea spoon honey Mix everything together well! Don't worry it won't desolve :) After you're done, scrub it all over your lips. You can keep this in your fridge as long as you want. 2. Lip scrub - 1 teaspoon vaseline - 1 teaspoon sugar And thats all :) Mix it up really well and scrub it over your lips :) Because of the vaseline this will last a long time. In my video for Youtube i've mixed a little bit of red food coloring in the 2. lip scrub and a tad of cocoonut extract in the 1. lip scrub for a tropical flavor :) Check this video out :)) xoxo Yelena
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